Where is the church located?
We’re located at 1200 Middle Rd. in Bettendorf, IA 52722. We’re on the Northeast corner of I-74 and Middle Rd.
What should I wear?
We want you to feel comfortable. We are just happy that you are joining us for worship! We want you to be able to focus on worship rather than what you are wearing. During the summertime, it is common for people to wear shorts and t-shirts, especially at the 10:45am service which tends to be more casual. Of course, you can wear your “Sunday Best” if you so choose to.
What Should I Expect?
Once you park in the lot, you’ll notice we have a couple of different doors for entry. The easiest one to use is the main lobby and sanctuary double doors (with the glass surrounds) on the West side of the building. You’ll enter into our lobby area, where you’ll see people chatting and enjoying fellowship with one another. You’ll notice our “Welcome Table” straight ahead- stop buy and grab a fresh cup of coffee and meet our hospitality host, who will offer you the opportunity to choose a charity we will donate towards as a thank-you for your visit.
One of our ushers will hand you a bulletin, and you are welcome to sit wherever you prefer in the sanctuary. We encourage you to check out our unique building architecture as you prepare to worship!
Worship typically lasts an hour or less.
We also invite you to join us for fellowship! After the 9am service, many folks head down the hallway to our fellowship hall, where they enjoy coffee and treats provided by our members. If you are attending worship at 10:45am, come a little early to grab some snacks.
Communion is served on the first Sunday of each month. We recognize an open table, meaning that all those who trust is Jesus are invited to share in the communion- membership is not a requirement.
What about my kids?
Your children are welcome here! Kids are welcome in our worship services, and we make effort to include them by offering a children’s sermon each week. We offer children’s activity bags which include coloring pages, picture books and various fidget toys. These bags are located to the right of the sanctuary doors.
If you have children under age 5 and would prefer, we have a nursery/playroom in our lower level staffed by member volunteers. If you would like to use this, ask an usher and they’ll be happy to show you the way and introduce you to our volunteer.
We offer Sunday school for ages preK-5th grade between services at 10am. The Sunday school rooms are located in the lower level.
Where can I check out the livestream?
We are streaming live at 9am and 10:45am on Sundays!
Check out www.facebook.com/bettpres/live or www.youtube.com/c/bettendorfpresbyterian