
Baptism is the sign and seal of incorporation into Jesus Christ. In Baptism we participate in Jesus’ death and resurrection. In Baptism, we die to what separates us from God and are raised to newness of life in Christ. Baptism points us back to the grace of God expressed in Jesus Christ, who died for us and who was raised for us. Baptism points us forward to that same Christ who will fulfill God’s purpose in God’s promised future.

In Baptism, the Holy Spirit binds the Church in covenant to its Creator and Lord. The water of Baptism symbolizes the waters of Creation, of the Flood, and of the Exodus from Egypt. Thus, the waters of Baptism links us to the goodness of God’s creation and to the grace of God’s covenants with Noah and Israel.

Baptism is God’s gift of grace offered to all people and also God’s summons to respond to that grace. Baptism calls to repentance, to faithfulness, and to discipleship.

Both believers and their children are included in God covenant love. The Baptism of children witnesses to the truth that God’s love claims people before they are able to respond in faith. Baptism of those who enter the covenant upon their own profession of faith witnesses to the truth that God’s gift of grace calls for fulfillment in a response of faithfulness.

Baptism signifies:

  • The faithfulness of God
  • The washing away of sin
  • Rebirth
  • Putting on the fresh garment of Christ
  • Being sealed by God’s Spirit
  • Adoption into the covenant family of the Church
  • Resurrection and illumination in Christ

Baptisms at Bettendorf Presbyterian Church are scheduled for Sunday mornings following a time of preparation with the pastor.