The ministry and duty of the Deacons is to assist our Pastor and to minister with caring and prayer to members of our congregation and their extended family as it often extends past the membership rolls.
God calls us, and the church ordains us to his ministry and empowers us with the gifts needed to fulfill that ministry.
The Deacons serve God and the congregation in many ways:
* Each Deacon is assigned a Prayer and Support Group. One or more homebound persons are assigned to each group. Deacons are responsible for these individuals and/or families by getting to know them and provide assistance when needed. Members are sent a card from their Deacon with their name and contact information. Homebound persons are visited by their Deacon and assisted with any specific needs.
* Scheduling and assisting the Pastor in Homebound Communion. Communion is served about four times a year or when requested.
* Plan, prepare and serve funeral luncheons.
* Plan, prepare and serve an Easter Breakfast.
* Provide the Music Minister a list of homebound or semi-homebound who would like to receive Christmas caroling. Deacons prepare “Goody Bags” to be delivered by the carolers.
* Deliver Easter Lilies and Christmas Poinsettias to the homebound.
* Support the Happy Stampers ministry.
* Support the Prayer Shawl ministry.
* Provide grief booklets to members who have lost a loved one through death.
* Support the Parish Nurse.
* A Deacon is appointed to serve on the Nominating Committee and the Roll Review Committee.
Thank you to so many of our church family who has furnished salads and desserts to be served at funeral luncheons. Pat Ricketts and Sharon Pipe coordinated this service to families. Three luncheons were served this year.
Thank you to the “Happy Stampers” who gather every third Saturday morning to assemble the unique original cards. Cards are sent monthly to the homebound and those in need of encouragement. Marilyn Owen designs and coordinates this ministry.
Thank you to the Heart to Hand Prayer Shawl ministry team. The shawls convey God’s love and comfort in times of need. Ann Collett coordinates this ministry.
Thank you to the Board of Deacons who have answered God’s call to serve our church in so many ways. The 2021 Board of Deacons is:
Class of 2023:
Janey Tumey
Debbie Keenan
Emma Soncarty
Addy Zumwalt
Mary Thul
Bill Hitchings
Randy and Teresa Noble
Class of 2024:
Laurie Harrison
Linda Carillo
Judy Benson
Ron Lehman
Bob Cassatt
Margie Froeschle
Class of 2025:
Lynn Stotlar
Tana Barsness
Gary Barsness
Janet Coogan
Allen Hale
Sue Campbell